Release Notes¶
Version 4.1.5¶
First public release.
Configurable deposition by source.
Stability improvements.
Improved High-DPI support.
Internal refactoring for MCABLE integration.
Add moving averages to time series export function.
Version 4.1.4¶
Configurable flux profile by source.
Interactive plotting of reference flux profile.
Improved support for buffer zones.
New command line post-processing utility (ncpost).
Receptors are now set at the scenario level.
Improved error handling when importing sources from AERMOD input files.
Version 4.1.3¶
Improved error handling for project files.
Probabilistic flux profile assignment.
Resample distributions in source table.
Support for relative paths to SFC/PFL files.
Fixed default receptor height.
Project file drag-and-drop support.
Set column visibility in source table.
Version 4.1.2¶
Improved error handling and friendlier error messages when importing sources from AERMOD input files.
New discrete distribution editor for application start time.
Version 4.1.1¶
Fixed post-processing bug which prevented analysis of POSTFILES where 1 hour averaging period was not used.
New receptor ring generation algorithm based on GEOS linear referencing.
Logging of SOFEA-AERMOD errors via IPC, and new ‘Model Output’ window.
Version 4.1.0¶
Import AREAPOLY sources from GIS shapefiles.
New meteorological data diagnostics utility to report calm/missing hours and generate wind roses.
Edit receptor colors.
Add support for dry and wet deposition.
Edit averaging periods.
New analysis module with unit conversion, additional metadata, selection of data subsets.
New input file viewer based on Scintilla with AERMOD syntax highlighting.
Version 4.0.2¶
Improved logging support.
Improved visual styles.
Fixed several memory leaks.
Fixed mass and flux calculations.
Version 4.0.1¶
Corrected input and flux file generation for multiple source groups.
Fixed discrepancy between local and UTC time.