Running the ModelΒΆ

Once the set-up of your project is complete, proceed to running the model by choosing RunModel Run Model through the main menu or by clicking a green button RunModel in the toolbar. This opens the run dialog box which allows you to start and monitor the progress of runs.

SOFEA will save all model outputs in subdirectories below the directory which contains the project file, as shown at the top of the dialog box. Each subdirectory has a unique name consisting of the Scenario name followed by a date and time string showing the date and time when the model run started, up to a millisecond.

The run dialog box lists all Scenarios defined within the Project Browser. You can choose to run a single Scenario, a certain set of Scenarios by picking them with a help of the Shift key, or all Scenarios at once by clicking Select All.

At the bottom of the run dialog box, a text string indicates a number, n, of available processor cores on the computer you are using. This indicates the maximum number of Scenarios that can be run in parallel. In case you selected more than n scenarios to run, once you hit the Run button, the first n scenarios from the list will be initiated, while other scenarios will be waiting in a queue, and will follow as initial runs complete, n runs at a time. The status of each run is shown in the run dialog box along with the date and time when each run started, time elapsed since each run has started, and percentage of the run completed. Each individual scenario run can be interrupted by clicking the Stop button.

While AERMOD is running, any warning, error, or other informational messages from AERMOD are dynamically displayed within the Model Output window of the SOFEA GUI. Progress reporting is an extension to the regulatory version of AERMOD.